Apply Mental Models in New Ways to Surmount Old Obstacles

I’ve been reading Range by David Epstein, a book I will expound upon once I have finished it. But a key concept that he introduces early in the book is that in order to become a truly transformational thinker in your field of expertise, you have to have a wide range of experiences that you… Continue reading Apply Mental Models in New Ways to Surmount Old Obstacles

Mom to the ER with back pain 8/13/21

Facebook update: Update on Mom: After almost two weeks of back pain – including a clean x-ray – her pain escalated Friday night and I took her to the ER. They saw nothing in the initial x-ray. Further tests revealed an aortic aneurysm that they believed at the time could be associated with the pain.… Continue reading Mom to the ER with back pain 8/13/21

Daily Resolutions for Caring for my Mom Who Has Dementia

Today I resolve to care for Mom. I will do this by remembering that few of her thoughts and actions exist separate from her dementia, which is compounded by her pain, and her anxiety, and thus she deserves care, forgiveness, and patience even when a behavior is repeated over and over. This is also true… Continue reading Daily Resolutions for Caring for my Mom Who Has Dementia

Racism in the Dewey Decimal System

When books about President Barack Obama arrived at the Bard High School, Early College library in Queens, New York, they were coded as 300 (Social Science) instead of 900 (History). Librarian Jess deCourcy Hinds raised what she thought was an obvious question: Why isn’t the President of the United States listed as history? Well, the… Continue reading Racism in the Dewey Decimal System

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