Mom to the ER with back pain 8/13/21

Facebook update:

Update on Mom: After almost two weeks of back pain – including a clean x-ray – her pain escalated Friday night and I took her to the ER. They saw nothing in the initial x-ray. Further tests revealed an aortic aneurysm that they believed at the time could be associated with the pain.

After about 6 hours there, they admitted her to Mercy West for meds and more x-rays. Then it was determined the aneurysm was too small too operate on, or to cause the pain, and they’re treating that with meds. Further scans showed a chip in her T-5 vertebrae which would definitely explain her pain.

She slept Saturday and Sunday, because of meds and days of not sleeping well. She woke occasionally to grouse about the food and the service. She was feeling much better yesterday, and now it’s off to rehab.

Saturday morning my first conversation was with the vascular surgeon, who was thinking he would have to operate. We had a detailed discussion about mom’s DNR plans.

That shook me.

It was only later that they realized they wouldn’t have to operate.

Luckily her recovery is about pain and BP medicine, rehabilitation, and getting steady on her feet once again. Today we’re finding a place to rehab, with the help of Mercy’s social workers (I already loved social workers, and now this gift!) and another move.

The cat is home with us : / which will at least save me half an hour every day driving over to give it an insulin shot.


One response to “Mom to the ER with back pain 8/13/21”

  1. […] in this world, not dead but only alive by somewhat limited definitions of that word ever since her ER visit and hospitalization in August and rehab that extended into September. Because of complications with medicines and what many call […]